Young Phoenix Academy A Safe Early Learning Centre For Your Kids

Updated: 6 February 2020
Categories: General

Young Phoenix Academy & Justine Ibrahim are leaders in our local community. They have gone out of their way to ensure they have not only one but two Defibrillators at their premises prior to opening day, making the learning centre safe for your kids. Now some of you won’t blink an eye but let me show you exactly what this means to the community and to their business.

Young Phoenix Academy Caring for Our Future

Have a think about where you work or have previously worked, companies are running out of pens and the boss either doesn’t remember to re-order or is just cutting costs on items not creating direct income for their business.

Now take a look at this early learning centre; Young Phoenix has made it an essential priority, before even opening their doors, to ensure they have AED Defibrillators ready onsite so they are best prepared in a cardiac arrest situation. This displays their initiative to go over and above when it comes to workplace health & safety.

Young Phoenix Academy A Safe Early Learning Centre For Your Kids

Creating A Safe Environment

AED Defibrillators onsite tells us that Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) have been placed as high priority to ensure that Young Phoenix is the safest it can be.

What does this mean?

  1. A safe environment for all the little Young Phoenix’s who will be attending.
  2. A safe environment for staff to be working in and ensuring they have all the necessary equipment and confidence in their duty of care.
  3. A safer community, not only for families, friends and visitors within their premises but also for people locally.

Young Phoenix Academy, genuinely caring for their community and setting a fantastic industry benchmark.

At Response For Life, (non-profit organisation) leading Australian Defibrillator supplier, we love working with these leading businesses that endeavour to create high Workplace Health & Safety standards (WHS), especially when it creates such positive feedback from the community.

Thank you Young Phoenix Academy for contributing to make Australia better prepared and equipped for a sudden cardiac arrest.

If you have children or know people looking for day care, reach out to Justine from Young Phoenix Academy on the link to their website below:

Contact Young Phoenix Academy Here


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