One Million Views on YouTube πŸš€ – Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Collab

Updated: 15 October 2024
Categories: General

We are celebrating a huge milestone! Our collaboration videos with Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute have reached over one million views on YouTube! πŸš€

The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute is Australia’s home of heart research. With more than 200 scientists and 24 laboratories across Australia, they are dedicated to finding cures for cardiovascular disease through world-class and cutting-edge medical research.

This collab with the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute has allowed over one million people to learn about Cardiac Arrest, DRSABCD, how to perform CPR, and how to use an AED.

Response For Life is so incredibly grateful for this opportunity to share awareness at mass scale, to educate, and to help save lives.

For more information and resources, visit the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute website Following is a glimpse of the important resources you will find and their links below:

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR is a lifesaving technique that can be used in emergency situations. When someone’s heart stops beating or their breathing stops, CPR is administered. Both inexperienced and trained bystanders can carry out the procedure.

Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute

Julia from Response for Life demonstrates how to perform CPR in this easy-to-follow training video.

An AED or Automated External Defibrillator (or β€œdefib” for short), is a portable, electronic device that’s used in a medical emergency to help someone who is suffering a sudden cardiac arrest. An AED detects and analyses a person’s heart activity and, if needed, delivers an electric shock (also called a defibrillation), through the chest to the heart. An AED can restore normal rhythm to the heart.

Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute

Julia from Response for Life explains how to use an AED in this easy-to-follow training video. Medical training is not required to use an AED.

Thank you Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute for the successful collaboration and thank you to everyone for your support. Share for awareness πŸš€.


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